Glasses help Trisha to study

Trisha was 11 years old when we met her, she was struggling with her vision in school and was facing some real difficulties in reading the blackboard and books.

As well as struggling to see she also suffered from headaches and complained her parents about this problem. They were unable to do anything at this time due to a difficult financial situation and she was beginning to struggle with her education.

Three months later a school eye screening programme was conducted with Orbis partner, Dr. K. Zaman BNSB Eye Hospital. During that programme her eyes were also examined along with all of the other children in the school. It was then identified that Trisha had refractive error in both eyes.

A prescription was provided that day for glasses, which were made and delivered for free, a few days later.


My life has been changed, study­ing with­out any prob­lems and now there is no headache. I want to be a doc­tor in future and serve the peo­ple espe­cial­ly the chil­dren who have prob­lems in their eyes”

Trisha (right) now continues her study with the spectacles

Trisha can now read the blackboard and books and consequently her headache is also gone. Trisha is regularly going to school and continuing to study with more enthusiasm and confidence now. She said: My life has been changed, studying without any problems and now there is no headache. I want to be a doctor in future and serve the people especially the children who have problems in their eyes.

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