The first live co-sponsored virtual session, took place in February. It focused on diagnosing, monitoring, and managing diabetic retinopathy. Over 600 eye health professionals, in over 100 countries joined live, from locations such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, where eye care services can be difficult to access.
Globally, 1.1 billion people live with vision loss, with 90% residing in low and middle-income countries, in part due to a limited availability of trained eye health professionals to tackle avoidable causes. Cybersight provides an opportunity for all eye health professionals to take part in continued professional development, removing barriers such as cost or location.
With the leading causes of avoidable blindness being cataract, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy and with 1.9 million people living with corneal disease, these targeted clinical educational sessions will guide eye care professionals in how optical coherence tomography (OCT), a non-invasive imaging test, and other technological advances, can be used to detect, treat, and prevent these common causes of sight loss.